Smart Industry

Industry 4.0 demands seamless planning & integration of Men , Machines, Movement to optimally enhance production.   One of the key aspects that impact Manufacturing is the Energy and Environmental impact on the Business.   Several of the Costs incurred (Compressor – DG sets – Turbines – Air conditioners) are directly dependent on Ambient environmental Conditions.    Hyper local Weather / AQ data from PAQS helps in optimal performance of these machines with minimal energy & environmental costs, thus enhancing performance, productivity and profitability of Industries.

Best Indoor Air Quality Monitor

We at PAQS focus on providing comprehensive real-time Indoor Air Quality data leveraging AI, ML, and Analytics. And also helps in providing  innovative solutions like personal exposure assessment, remedial solutions of mitigating indoor air pollution which can benefit the smart buildings in domains such as hospitals, IT Companies, Schools, Smart homes, public closed places like AC restaurants, AC travels, theaters, aircrafts etc.

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